Search found 41 matches

by silden
Fri Nov 26, 2021 6:34 pm
Forum: Quadra Synthesizer
Topic: how many notes poly is this
Replies: 3
Views: 6275

Re: how many notes poly is this

Thanks Greg!
by silden
Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:15 pm
Forum: Quadra Synthesizer
Topic: how many notes poly is this
Replies: 3
Views: 6275

how many notes poly is this

how many notes poly is this on strings and poly? thnx
by silden
Sat Jul 17, 2021 11:50 pm
Forum: Memorymode Synthesizer
Topic: MPE disappointing
Replies: 2
Views: 1779

Re: MPE disappointing

also..... I hate to be negative (no really I do!) but..... imo it's an incredibly bad idea to have to manually go into setup mode and turn on/off mpe whenever there's a patch change. What happens if playing live, or in a daw or other auto program changes? I don't understand why either MPE on/off is ...
by silden
Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:59 pm
Forum: Memorymode Synthesizer
Topic: MPE disappointing
Replies: 2
Views: 1779

MPE disappointing

I was really excited when I heard memorymode had MPE. That in itself was reason to buy. However having tried the demo with a Roli seaboard I find myself quite underwhelmed :-( I haven't played with the MPE parameters too much as yet and I'm sure tweaking them will help but only having access to 3 of...
by silden
Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:15 pm
Forum: Cherry Audio Store
Topic: store acting up
Replies: 24
Views: 12304

Re: store acting up

getting this alot now (opera browser)
502 Bad Gateway

edit ... dont worry about this though. I just tried chrome and it's working much much better. Thanks for sorting it. :D
by silden
Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:49 pm
Forum: Cherry Audio Store
Topic: store acting up
Replies: 24
Views: 12304

Re: store acting up

Seriously guys!!!!

by silden
Wed May 26, 2021 10:08 pm
Forum: Cherry Audio Store
Topic: store acting up
Replies: 24
Views: 12304

store acting up

the store has been behaving strangely for weeks. I've tried it on two separate computers with same results(chrome). Many things are wrong but two I can remember from today are that in some instances the top banner of instruments stays on while the scrolled screen scrolls behind. On a laptop this onl...
by silden
Thu May 20, 2021 9:51 pm
Forum: Voltage Modular
Topic: B3 Hammond Emulation
Replies: 8
Views: 4345

Re: B3 Hammond Emulation

+1 :D
by silden
Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:21 pm
Forum: DCO-106 Polyphonic Synthesizer
Topic: Licensing Question (hypothetical)
Replies: 4
Views: 2931

Re: Licensing Question (hypothetical)

Spectrasonics is saying that they have an emergency plan and that all registered users would get a way for continued authorizations in the worst case in their Copy Protection FAQs. Without this I wouldn't had invest in their great but expensive software. I'd Like to see this in a CA FAQ too. It's a...
by silden
Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:27 am
Forum: Voltage Modular
Topic: missing modules - SOLVED
Replies: 18
Views: 40679

Re: missing modules - SOLVED

Thanks Greg

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