Switching from poly to mono to poly - release buffer

GX-80 is Cherry Audio's visionary flagship synthesizer that combines the unparalleled sound and features of the fabled GX-1 "Dream Machine"and its renowned descendant the CS-80 to create a powerhouse hybrid.
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Switching from poly to mono to poly - release buffer

Post by Ade »

Hi esteemed Cherry team,
When switching between poly and mono and back to poly, any release voices will remain buffered and kick back in, no matter how much time has elapsed. Whatever was left in release will insist on kicking back in and completing its duty.
Is it possible to flush the release buffer to avoid this? File attached.
Thank you and g'day,
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Re: Switching from poly to mono to poly - release buffer

Post by UrbanCyborg »

I'd add to it that when using the MTK, if you're holding a note when you switch octaves or notes, the held note gets locked.

Cyberwerks Heavy Industries -- viewforum.php?f=76
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