Feature request: controller mapping inversion

GX-80 is Cherry Audio's visionary flagship synthesizer that combines the unparalleled sound and features of the fabled GX-1 "Dream Machine"and its renowned descendant the CS-80 to create a powerhouse hybrid.
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Feature request: controller mapping inversion

Post by Fraxis »

Would it be possible to add an option to either controller behaviour when mapping a parameter to to a knob, slider etc. on the hardware controlling the GX-80 please? I have a Roland synth with its combined pitch bend / modulation controller and if, for instance, I map 'Brilliance' to it (the one to the right of the Tone Selector presets) the default position becomes full brilliance, whereas I'd like it to start at no brilliance and be able to push up the controller to increase brilliance. Given the 'pull forward' nature of the GX-80's sliders, I think being able to flip the response would be a good usability option to have in general. Thanks.
Steve W
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Re: Feature request: controller mapping inversion

Post by Steve W »

Invert CC Slider or Knob.png
Invert CC Slider or Knob.png (22.54 KiB) Viewed 5441 times
1. Press the midi on the control bar.
2. Rotate the Max and Min values.

PS: Thanks for mentioning this. While I was in there, I inverted my Feet. Now low CC value = longest pipe / lowest tone and vice versa. I was too lazy to change it when I tested that and forgot I had that set up.
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Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:27 am

Re: Feature request: controller mapping inversion

Post by Fraxis »

Thanks Steve. I will give a try.
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