+1 ... I agree, but would also like Cherry Audio to release their own 128 step sequencer, so that anyone who needs one doesn't have to spend 5 hours and 3 cabinets constructing one from scratch every time (by the way Mitch, I mean a tempo synced one, not your own wonderous 32 step, on the fly, one, constructed for the forum here, that I barely understood, made of 4 sequencers in one)
Also, the vari-step sequencer is a great idea, but I am not well enough & am too busy to keep track of what it is or isn't until it becomes more stable in terms of features and performance, I just need a functional less complicated one at present so that I can sequence stuff in a 'let's reload what I was doing earlier' type of way and get some music done. I do still love the idea of the vari-step, but I personally need to leave it a while before I get back into it.
More options people.