NRGZR Seqs and Dual Osc

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Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:31 pm

NRGZR Seqs and Dual Osc

Post by RobB258 »

I have been getting into the Dual Oscillator, DSeq8 and H-Sequencer and have some presets to share. There are more than can fit on one post so I will do some more. They are VM native additions where possible although I have strayed and used Collider Module's disperser and Vult Quincunx on a couple.

The Sequencer can be a bit quirky regarding saving sequences so you may have to right click and load or just twiddle the knobs to get your own. Also if you have an external clock it sometimes needs toggling on and off but we all like to fiddle don't we!

Anyway a big thanks to NRGZR for creating these and to you if you go to the trouble of downloading them.

Have fun :)
DSeq BFAM.voltagepreset
(21.86 KiB) Downloaded 229 times
Buchla 158 seq.voltagepreset
(20.78 KiB) Downloaded 222 times
Buchla 158 Hseq.voltagepreset
(83.26 KiB) Downloaded 194 times
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