Build "DC Source" with Nucleus modules

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Build "DC Source" with Nucleus modules

Post by honki-bobo »

If you are a Nucleus user and need a knob with a +/-5V range you can use the "Eight Step Sequencer" and the "Attenuverter" module to build your own "DC Source".
DC Source rebuild.png
DC Source rebuild.png (225.64 KiB) Viewed 4674 times
Set the first slider of the sequencer to maximum and make sure the voltage range is set to 5V and the first slider is active. Then connect the sequencer's CV Output to the first and second input of the Attenuverter twice and to its third input once. To make a second connection simply click on the CV Output jack to expand it, click on a free jack and make the second connection. This doubles the output voltage and gives you 10V. Now invert the signal on channel 3 and make sure it is set to unity gain. As a last step connect outputs 1 and 3 or outputs 2 and 3 to the input you want to feed the DC voltage to. Now you can use channel 1 and 2 of the Attenuverter to control the DC voltage amount. The resulting output voltage is V = % / 10 - 5
DC Source.voltagepreset
(6.86 KiB) Downloaded 274 times
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