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SLEW and Q control added to Dual VCA module

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 6:02 pm
by ColinP
dualvca3.png (47.05 KiB) Viewed 2570 times
The Dual VCA module has been updated (now build #17).

A small amount of fixed slew was added a while ago to prevent clicking and popping artifacts occurring when the control voltage changed extremely quickly but since then I've realised that being able to adjust the slew rate is very useful. So a small SLEW knob now enables you to control exactly how much slew is applied - anything from none to a sluggish but sometimes creatively useful 20 ms/V. The default setting is 1 ms/V and this should produce essentially neutral behaviour.

Also since adding the option of turning the VCAs into LPGs it seemed like a good idea to allow the filter resonance to be tweaked. So there is now a Q knob that enables you to add emphasis around the filter cutoff point. As the Q setting is increased many signals drop in volume so I've added some gain makeup to compensate, in most situations this works really well but in some circumstances you may need to make gain adjustments down stream to avoid distortion.

Detailed documentation is available here...

Re: SLEW and Q control added to Dual VCA module

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:17 am
by RobB258
Nice update Colin. The Q is a great addition. Thanks

Re: SLEW and Q control added to Dual VCA module

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 11:49 am
by huggermugger
This module has become quite powerful. Nice!

Re: SLEW and Q control added to Dual VCA module

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 10:28 pm
by tgrey
Agreed, these are great additions... thanks!