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Update Request: Midi Assignments save with patch

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:38 pm
by Loz84
Hi there,

I've recently purchased the Eight Voice synth and i'm extremely happy with it, sounds very special indeed. There's just one thing I would lke to see updated. I generally use the standalone app when I want to create presets however i've noticed that when I map midi routings to parameters and save the patch, it doesn't store the routings and they remain as a global. This hinders my quite a bit because I use the mod wheel extensively and the voltage amounts and destinations are very specific to the patches I make.
Also as a result of this, any routings I assign in standalone do not carry across when I open the preset in my DAW. At the moment i'm having to use the Combinator in Reason as a means to store the routings which isnt as exact as i'd like.
Might this be something you can build into a future update? It'd be ideal to have this on all the plugins to be honest.

Many thanks