I'm trying out the module designer with hopefully a simple idea (granted not THE simplest of ideas!). I'm a developer but Java is not a language I have much familiarity with, I've dabbled with it would be an accurate summary of my experience.
I want to incorporate the Csound API with Java wrappers (https://github.com/csound/csoundAPI_exa ... aster/java) into the module code, but seem to be falling at the first hurdle. I've added the csnd6.jar lib file in the module properties > additional JAR files, imported at the top of the module code. To test something comes to life I add to the Initialize() method,
Code: Select all
public void Initialize()
// add your own code here
csnd6.csoundInitialize(csnd6.CSOUNDINIT_NO_ATEXIT | csnd6.CSOUNDINIT_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLER);
// Create an instance of the Csound object
Csound c = new Csound();
I've probably made too many naive assumptions that it would be this simple. Any tips as to what might be happening?
I'm on macOS Monterey, M1 silicon. One thought I had was that Csound is running in rosetta 2, which might be an issue.
any help much appreciated