Hello - I am wondering if you might state more clearly that this is not actually a port of the Mutable Instruments open source code? The way it has been named and designed might lead people to think it is? Similar to the authorized bundle port in the VCV Rack library https://library.vcvrack.com/?query=&bra ... =&license=
I certainly thought it was when I first saw it.
Malleable Instruments Bundle
Re: Malleable Instruments Bundle
Obviously, it's fair to let the developer speak for himself; however, he did clearly answer this point (that I raised) for the Razors module, and that I imagine holds true for all - here's a direct quotation, "It's not a port of the code, otherwise I'd have stated it and named it Blades..."
There's a little more from the developer, here: viewtopic.php?t=2455
There's a little more from the developer, here: viewtopic.php?t=2455