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JK's Sample Swarm - Finally Updated!

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:50 pm
by ymerejsasnak
Sample Swarm has finally been updated to version 2! :D

It began with the intention of adding a few extra control parameters... ;)

...but it ended with a near-complete overhaul of the entire module and total rewrite of the documentation. :o

Coinciding with this is ongoing work on upgrading the JKphobic web presence, including updating the store page and the launch of a documentation website (which will likely grow into more with time).

Also, a video demo of the new version should be available soon and will be linked from here and elsewhere.

Store page:


Re: JK's Sample Swarm - Finally Updated!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:36 am
by Steve W
I have been playing around with version 2 and spending time with new manual. You have added a whole lot of extra functionality to the Swarm. Very impressive additions!!! Thanks for your continued dedication to making sample manipulation tools for VM.

Re: JK's Sample Swarm - Finally Updated!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:04 pm
by ymerejsasnak
For anyone interested, simple demo video is up. Nothing fancy but it should give a decent idea of what this thing can do.