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Pops Clicks Dropouts

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 8:25 pm
by J McD
I use a bunch of the Cherry Audio synths on my rigs (big fan!)

I downloaded a demo of the Mercury 6 and the Harmoina the other day. The Mercury 6, like all the other stuff from Cherry sounded great, likely gong to pick that up

The Harmonia though was unusable. Tons of pops, clicks, dropouts. I typically run everything at 96K, I dropped the sample rate to 48K, same issue.

The machine is a Mac Pro 6 (trashcan.) I know this thing is getting pretty old, but absolutely everything works at 96K, except the Harmonia.

Any thoughts on where the problem lies? It's been soooo long since I've had audio problems it's hard to know what to check, though the issue is specific to Harmonia (running standalone.)

Re: Pops Clicks Dropouts

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:27 pm
by cherryaudio Greg

You're at 1x oversampling? 2x oversampling means twice the CPU usage, and 4x is four times the CPU usage.


Re: Pops Clicks Dropouts

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:15 am
by J McD
Thanks Greg, I will check that tomorrow and report back.
