recreate diva feedback

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recreate diva feedback

Post by Soundspace73 »

hi, how could I create a feedback circuit similar to the one present on diva in the mixer section?
obviously using voltage modular modules
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Jean d'Oran
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Re: recreate diva feedback

Post by Jean d'Oran »

Well find a mixer and a patch,
Feedback mixer.voltagepreset
with the mixer of the Core :
(12.99 KiB) Downloaded 179 times
- Take three amps, A1, A2 and A3 -
- Also take an LFO and another Ai amp (to initiate feedback).

- Set the gains of A1 to 25%, of A2 and A3 to 45%...

Activate the limiter of the Main out and set its volume to 0

you will need nine cables to connect:
output of A1 into input of A2,
output of A2 into input of A2 twice (yes, you can and even you must) ;)
output of A2 into input of A3
output of A2 into input of A1
output of A3 into input of A1 and into Main output -

Slowly turn up the volume
If nothing happens, patch the output of he LFO into the Ai input and the Ai output into the input of A1, A2 or A3. increase the gain of Ai... As soon as feedback is initiated, you can reset the gain of Ai to 0
to be redone each time you lose the self oscillation :oops:

the pitch will be modified by manipulating the gains of A1, A2 and A3

Have a good day
Jean, weird-French-dude-making-a-racket (MRB)
Site Jean d'Oran acousmatique
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