Adroit Custom updated

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Adroit Custom updated

Post by ColinP »

Updated versions of the Adroit Custom modules should download automatically.

This update fixes a problem where a small percentage of MIDI messages were being lost in transit between Custom IO and Custom Panel modules.
Performance should also see a slight improvement and a minor problem with the display of special Invert buttons is fixed.

A couple of new projects have been added to the website demo page -

Vocoder is a 10-channel vocoder.

Vocoder1.png (212.5 KiB) Viewed 1933 times

Planet Z is a two VCO polyphonic synthesizer that features multiple reset, randomize, nudge and invert buttons to help you find interesting settings.

Planet Z.png
Planet Z.png (273.92 KiB) Viewed 1933 times

The documentation on the website has seen improvements too, the Custom IO page especially...
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Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:46 pm

Re: Adroit Custom updated

Post by ColinP »

Whoops! :oops:

I have accidentally posted a garbage version of the Mono Synth demo on the website. It sounds awful with some unintentional oscillator sync going on if VCA A2 happens to be open. :?

Please try downloading the new version 4 preset.

Sorry folks.
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Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:46 pm

Re: Adroit Custom updated

Post by ColinP »

New versions of Custom Panel and Custom IO should download automatically.

Custom Panel push button mapping options have been expanded to more closely match those of toggle and radio buttons.

Custom IO now uses considerably less CPU when not all inputs, outputs or VCAs are in use.

A bug where Custom IO sometimes wasn't updating properly when a variation was loaded has been fixed.

The website page for Custom Panel is much improved...
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Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:46 pm

Re: Adroit Custom updated

Post by ColinP »

Updated versions of the Adroit Custom modules should download automatically.

Some new non-skeuomorphic style options have been added for knobs, sliders and buttons.

look18.png (94.41 KiB) Viewed 1659 times

The existing styles have a few more color options too.

Mouse sensitivity now increases when stops are used. The lower the number of stops the more the mouse is accelerated.

There are also a few other minor enhancements.
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Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:46 pm

Re: Adroit Custom updated

Post by ColinP »

An updated version of Custom Panel should download automatically.

Knobs now have markers to indicate any stops, for instance in the image below a small plain knob has its number of stops set to 5.

panel107.png (5.86 KiB) Viewed 1578 times

A new Set background hue option allows individual panels to have their basic color changed from the theme default, in the image below the panel in the center has had its background hue set to gray. OK, gray isn't technically a hue, but never mind.

panel108.png (58.53 KiB) Viewed 1578 times

Set all hues and Set all groups options have been added to make it easier to change the hue or group of all of a panel's elements in one go.

Apart from working on such minor improvements, I'm busy optimizing the morphing code and getting Custom Control ready for launch. The level is a bit low but here's a brief youtube video showing one of my test patches in action...

It's relatively simple but serves as a useful stress test when running alongside OBS and other things.

By the way I had to swap out the stock delay modules in the Planet Z demo patch as they make awful noises when you modulate the time parameter. Grant's free Mister Memory Modulation module works a treat though. Thanks Grant! :)
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