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Problem with DigitalCounter, when SetBarsForDigit is used

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:30 pm
by seal58
I try to add symbols to a digital counter display. First I preset counter with SetValue, then I use SetBarsForDigit method to activate some bars of the most left digit. But every time I set at least one bar, no counter value number is displayed anymore, even when SetValue is placed after bar setting.
Is that a regular Voltage behavior? Can I only chose between displaying a number or setting bars with flags?

Re: Problem with DigitalCounter, when SetBarsForDigit is used

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:30 am
by Captain
Yeah, looks like this is how it works, which is less than ideal if you want to display a number _and_ some custom bars. One workaround is to write your own SetValue replacement which shows numbers using only the SetBarForDigit method, which is bit of a kludge and requires a bit of work, but at least that should do the job. :D But yeah, it would be best if you could freely combine the two.

Re: Problem with DigitalCounter, when SetBarsForDigit is used

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 3:05 pm
by seal58
You are right. That is what I checked meanwhile.
If I use SetBarsForDigit, the Voltage system means "ok, if you does not want our service, so do your thing yourself, but completely".

I already found, that there must exist a complete independent custom set of bar registers. All bars that I manipulated myself, will not be overwritten by Voltage and have to be cleared by use of ClearBarsForDigit method.

That is not a big deal but a nice Java programming training for me and I already began to create an own 7 segment coding method. That might be useful for other purposes too.

Thanks for reply.